The Week Ahead

on Friday, July 3, 2009

Next week, we hope to learn more about Gael and know how best to help him.

Since learning about Gael's condition, we have tried to maintain status quo. Meaning, he still goes to the same school he goes to, even if it's a traditional school. Meaning, we don't send him yet to therapy like the doctor prescribed but do whatever "behavior modification" we can at home. We just researched, copied and pasted everything we can get from the net, and applied whatever we have learned from these readings to handling Gael at home.

But then yesterday, the teacher of the school called me in the office to tell me that Gael has just broken down the glass in the school's sliding door. The teacher even went as far as to suggest the idea of us pulling out Gael from school.

Today, I did not let Gael go to school. He was sad because he looks forward to going to school everyday. Although he can't sit still to listen to the full lesson, and although he can't be expected to finish any seatwork, because he would rise up and run around the room every now and then, Gael looks forward to learning new songs and hearing new stories and playing with other kids his age.

Today, he only had Teacher Mommy to teach him. And I believe he learns more from me than from a classroom where a teacher's attention is divided to ten kids. Also because, since he is my only student, I customize every lesson to suit his mood and his interests. Since I know he learns best through song, I make music a part of our lessons. I invent songs for him. Since I know he learns best with the aid of a computer, some lessons we do while playing various free online educational games. Since I know he thinks best when he is active and having fun, sometimes we discuss our lessons outside, while he plays. Gael already knew his numbers, alphabets, shapes by heart even before he set foot in school. Gael even knows how to read three letter words. That's why, one option we are seriously considering is homeschooling. But then, I really don't have the luxury of time to do this - a tired and pressured mommy is an impatient mommy. And though what I've written above would probably make it appear that homeschooling Gael is easy, believe me, we've had temper outbursts, shouting matches, sometimes, I even cry because I can't make him focus. And if we homeschool him, Gael would be so sad to not be able to see his friends again.

Today also, we went to another school in a nearby village. This school uses the multiple intelligences approach to learning and maybe Gael would thrive better in this school. I have talked to the principal, also a military wife, and they agreed to let Gael sit in for one week just so we both can gauge if Gael would like it there and if the school is capable of nurturing him.

Today, I also met with the principal of Gael's school and talked about the possibility of pulling him out. I learned that I could no longer get any percentage refund if we do decide to take Gael out of that school. In the end, the principal and I agreed to test the waters again next week, this time, Gael's yaya would be sitting in with him in class to help rein in his "bursts of energy."

And then today, I got a call from a sister of a friend who specializes in diagnosing and assessing children with ADHD. We just got an appointment for a reassessment next week and I guess any plans of Gael transferring school or being homeschooled or going to an OT would have to wait till then.

I had a very hectic day today. I still had to go to work after doing all these. And I had to take Gael with me because his yaya is on vacation again. This is one of the days I wish the husband was here to at least give me support or drive me around. And I am praying that should the reassessment confirms gael's dev pedia's initial diagnosis, the Lord would soon hear my prayer of letting Arn be assigned to a place nearer home so that he would be with Gael more often. Suntok sa buwan, pero hindi naman kami tumitigil magdasal.


soloops said...

I join you in your wish that Arnie be assigned somewhere near.And I am rooting for you and your boy during this difficult time.

C in Jammies said...

I am also praying for Arnie's assignment to somewhere nearer. I know that God hears and answers our prayers. Be strong.

mommy kiel said...

I'm praying that he be assigned near because we have another son too and i feel it is unfair that i spend most of my time either working or looking after gael that i end up being too tired to take care of our youngest, e isa pa yun na sobrang lambing.

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